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【歌词】Anchors / 歌手:36 Crazyfists

The Amity Affliction - Anchors

LRC by lzh, from jiangxi pingxiang

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i have so many anchors

so many, so many (so many anchors)

far too many to be sailing on these seas

(they"re pulling me under

and i just want to be freed

but i"m just drowning and clasping)

to the tinder and twine

not the firm planks and rope

that i know to be mine

bound to my feet

it feels like i"ll forever be bound

to the bottom of these seas

(will you hear nothing i say

as the tide just sweeps and sways

as the anchors that bind me)

just rust and decay

(as i tear my flesh from bone

as i scream out to the sky

when will i find my way home?)

there are sirens watching me

(and they whisper and smile to me

and i"m screaming o


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