사파이어(Saph-Fire) - Sha☆ (샤!)
sha sha sha sha (uh!)
sha(uh-oh) sha(uh-oh) party out!
sha sha 날봐 happy magic
사파 music 주문속에 sha
느낌있게 반짝이는 happy magic 모두 take it!
micriphone을 위로 흐르는
party after this track
grab a bottle of love jin and magic go on bling
don’t forget your beauty purse and l high-heels
cherry lipsticks got it
drive you crazy after moon
Keep on rocking
time 타임 sha 샤 boogie 샤 sha, till this party
반짝반짝 샤샤 magic 사파 music 해피magic! laughing
time 타임 sha 샤 boogie 빛의 party 리듬속에
샤샤 Everything’s gonna be okay!
Keep on rocking!
(모두 take it!)
환상속에 빛의 party
기쁨속에 다시시작해
이순간은 다신안와
모두함께 Keep on rocking
micriphone 샤!를 외치는 party after this track
grab a bottle of love jin. and magic go on bling
don’t forget your beauty purse and high-heels,
cherry lipsticks got it
drive you crazy after moon