Lose Lose Situation
Brian McFadden
When we fall out
I like to go driving in my car
Listen to something ironic
And end up in a bar
Get an earful of shit from a stranger
Who"s got a broken heart
Weighing up what would be more painful,
Staying with your man
Or going back to her
Doesn"t everybody feel this way sometimes?
It"s a lose-lose situation
For a shitty little crime
You can never win with women
It"s pointless trying to try
It"s a lose-lose situation till the day you die
Everybody knows the score
She"ll be crying to the mother-in-law
And I"ll be sleeping out with the dog
Must give him
A call, a call, a call, a call...
Doesn"t everybody feel this way sometimes?
It"s a lose-lose situation
For a shitty little crime
You can never win with women
It"s pointless trying to try
It"s a lose-lose situation till the day you die