Destiny"s Child - Perfect Man
Caramel complexion
With the sexiest expression
Curly hair and corn rolls
Very nice physique, looks and clothes
He looked at me, I looked at him
He asked me what I was thinking
Because he was so beautiful
I didn"t know what to say to him
He was what I wanted exactly what I needed
He was what I fantasised
He was what I dreamed and
It would be so perfect if him and me could leave
Why couldn"t I just tell him my feelings
We were meant to be
I spotted him walking in the doorway
At the restaurant the other day
When I met that pefect man
I didn"t speak when I had the chance
I didn"t know exactly what to say
at the restaurant the other day
When I met that perfect man
I didn"t speak when I had the chance
Sexy lips platinum wrists
Ten tips and he gets manicures
I can"t resist those eyes of his
Staring at h