聚热点 juredian

【歌词】After The Rain+Well Be Together / 歌手:Sting[斯汀]

Are you swimming upstream in oceans of blue?

Do you feel like your sinking?

Are you sick of the rain after all you"ve been through?

Well I know what you"re thinking

When you can"t take it

You can make it

Sometime soon I know you"ll see

"cause when your in you"re darkest hour

And all of the light just fades away

When you"re like a single flower

whose colours have turned to shades of gray

Well hang on and be strong

Where taking each step one day at a time

You can"t loose your spirit

Let live and let live forget and forgive

It"s all how you see it

And just remember keep it together

Don"t you know you"re never alone

"cause when you"re in your darkest hour

And all of the light just fades away

When you"re like a single flower

whose colours have turned to shades of gray

Well hang on, and be strong

No you"re not defeated

And soon you"ll



关于天气的优秀作文篇一:天气 今天在操场上举行升旗仪式的时候,烈日当空、阳光灿烂。到了上完音乐课的时候,突然天空乌云密布,黑沉沉地压了下来,一阵风把树...(展开)


