
Drug pricing:Problemsolved?
Insulin is cheaper, but some struggle to get it at a price they can afford
【1】“MOVE TO THE back if you’ve lost your life savings to the drug companies,”shoutsa woman walking by yourcorrespondent. Aspiritedgroup follows her to the end of a longqueuefor a Senate hearing on insulin prices on May10th. In the room David Ricks of Eli Lilly, a large American drug firm, testifies that insulin, used to regulate blood-sugarlevels fordiabetics, is cheap and even free in someinstances. “If you contact Lilly today, we will ship you a month’s supply at no cost with one question: ‘What’s your address?’” he says. Those dressed ingearwithsloganslike “Insulin for All” shake their heads in disbelief. Drug companies may be offering cheap insulin, but it is not reaching all patients.
【2】The high price of drugs is a long-runninggrievancefor Americans—and insulin is aflashpoint, since more than8m of them depend on it to survive. A standard unit that costs on average $9in other rich countries sets Americans back $99. A study in2021in the Annals of Internal Medicine, a journal, found that1.3m peopleskippedor reduced insulin doses due to cost.
【3】According to GoodRx, a company that helps customers find low drug prices, the average cash price of insulin rose by54% between2014and2019. The price then dropped by11% between January2020and May2023. Despite the recentdip, insulin prices remain high.
【4】For older patients, the cost is now coming down. TheinflationReduction Act, one of President Biden’slandmarklaws, allows Medicare tonegotiatewithmanufacturersfor lower drug prices. It also requires companies to pay back Medicare if prices rise faster thaninflation, and itcappedinsulin prices at $35a month for Medicare.
【5】The new law seems to havenudgeddrug companies into offering lower prices for everyone. On March1st Eli Lilly announced anautomatic$35-a-month cap on all insulins for those with private insurance atselectpharmacies, and a similar programme for theuninsured. The firm also promised to sell one of its non-brandedinsulins for $25avial, from May1st. Sanofi, a French drug company, followed suit with a similar deal for one of its insulins, starting next year. Novo Nordisk, a Danish firm, likewise announced lower prices for2024.
【6】These deals are eye-catching, but when patients turn up atpharmacies, they may find they cannotgrababargain. Shaina Kasper of T1International, anadvocacygroup fordiabetespatients, is a type-1diabetic. She says she tried to buy Eli Lilly’s non-brandedInsulin Lispro, thespecificdrug available from May1st for $25. Herpharmacyin Vermontquotedher $90.
【7】Perhaps Eli Lilly’s programme needs time to work out thekinks, or thepharmacychargedmore on top. But this is not the first time such aschemehas caused problems. For years pharma firms have offered apatchworkof plans to help customers afford insulin and other drugs. Some are for almost anyone, others for the poor oruninsured. But they tend to be difficult for people to access, says Stacie Dusetzina, a drug-pricing expert at Vanderbilt University.
【8】First patients must be aware that theschemeexistsand that they areeligible, which is often unclear. Then they must jump throughhoops. Some needapplications, doctor’s notes, proof ofresidence, taxdocumentsand more.pharmaciesmust also know about the programme andparticipatein it. It can be hard to know whom to blame—the drug companies for thefaultydeals or thepharmaciesforfailingtoimplementthemproperly.
【9】These programmes can also end at any time. “What the Lord giveth, the Lord can taketh away,” says David Mitchell of Patients For Affordable Drugs, anadvocacyorganisation for patients. That is why Mr Mitchell and others are pushing for laws to lower drug prices rather than relying on amishmashof special schemes.
【10】Some states have given up on waiting. Colorado was the first to pass a cap on insulin, at $100a month, in2019. Since then nearly half of states have introduced caps, but these cover only state-regulatedhealth plans. In March Gavin Newsom, thegovernorof California, announced that he had signed acontractwith amanufacturerto make anddistributeinsulin to Californians for $30. Maine, Michigan and Washington may follow. There are also bills in Congress totackleinsulin prices and increase access togenerics. Perhaps insulin’s cost will eventually come down further and become morepredictable.
1.原文:Insulin is cheaper, but some struggle toget it at a price they can afford
词典:struggle to 挣扎;尽力做
例句:Some people struggle to distinguish a perfunctory grin from a truly happy smile.
2.原文:Those dressed ingear withslogans like “Insulin for All” shake their heads in disbelief.
例句:Her attention was engaged by the display of the new dress in the shop windows.
3.原文:a French drug company, followed suit with a similar deal for one of its insulins,
词典:follow suit跟风
例句:Undoubtedly, those who followed suit when the market did not reach saturation did make money.
4.原文:hey may find they cannot grab a bargain.
词典:grab a bargain讨价还价
例句:I don"t want to snap anything, just grab a bargain.
5.原文:Perhaps Eli Lilly’s programme needs time to work out the kinks,
词典:work out 想出办法;解决
例句:Someone who"s very busy won"t spend a lot of time trying to work out what you"re trying to say!
6.原文:Then they mustjump through hoops.
词典:jump through hoop 越过层层关卡
例句:If there is a critical mass of Android users out there waiting to spend money on apps, developers will jump through hoops to tap that market.
7.原文:That is why Mr Mitchell and others are pushing for laws to lower drug prices rather than relying on a mishmash of special schemes.
例句:As far back as the era of classical aulic music, musicians relied on live performance for a living.
8.原文:he had signed a contract with a manufacturer to make anddistributeinsulin to Californians for $30.
词典:distribute to分发;分配给
例句:First responders, members of the National Guard and volunteers are distributing foods to those in need.
9.原文:There are also bills in Congress to tackle insulin prices and increaseaccess to generics.
词典:access to 接近;有权使用
例句:It also rolled out a programme whereby research academics will gain access to user data.
1.原文:In the roomDavid Ricks of Eli Lilly, a large American drug firm,testifies thatinsulin, used to regulateblood-sugar levels for diabetics, ischeap and even freein some instances.
2.分析:本句结构是主谓宾,主语是DavidRicks,谓语是testifies,宾语是that引导的宾语从句;ofEliLilly与DavidRicks为从属关系,a large American drug firm 是ofEliLilly的同位语,起解释说明的作用;宾语从句结构为主系表,主语为insulin,系动词为is,表语为形容词cheap和free;usedtoregulate修饰insulin,过去分词作后置定语;insomeinstances为状语。
3.译文:在听证会上,美国大型制药公司礼来(Eli Lilly)的大卫·里克斯(David Ricks)作证说,用于调节糖尿病患者血糖水平的胰岛素很便宜,在某些情况下甚至是免费的。
1.原文:Sanofi, a French drug company, followed suitwith a similar deal for one of its insulins, startingnext year.
2.分析:本句结构为主谓宾,主语为Sanofi,a French drug company为主语的同位语,起解释说明作用,谓语为followed,宾语为suit;with a similar deal为伴随状语;starting为非谓语作状语;next year为时间状语。
The high price of drugs is a long-running grievance for Americans
表达: XXbealong-runninggrievance/ problemforsb. “,某件事情对于某人来说一直是个大难题”,写作时引出某个问题的时候可以套用这个句子。
例句:Thereisalong-runningproblemforkidtoquit smartphone addiction.
Although nobody expects America to change its relations with Israel, efforts to tackle that long-running problem may bring wider benefits too.
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