聚热点 juredian

【歌词】Head In Hands / 歌手:Valencia

Valencia - Head In Hands

卜超 制作

Well, I"ve been saving my breath

For another year

I"m wasting my time

I"m coming clean to you

On how I"m always catching up

Yeah, I"m still chasing my heart down 95

It"s a fucked up way to live your life

When you are stuck always catching up

So I"ll come clean to you

Head in hands, I find

That I"ve been fighting the words

This just isn"t worth my time

It"s not a way to die

Suffocated by stress

My life is a mess

It"s not right

Head in hands, we climb

Separated by faith

It got in the way of life

Of all the ways to die

Suffocated by stress

My head is a mess

It"s not right

Yeah, I"ve been clearing my head

Trying to get some sleep

And all these overloaded thoughts

Crashed down on me

It seems that this is just not good enough



 【歌词】狼与香辛料 op 旅の途...

ただひとり〖孤身一人〗迷い込む旅の中で〖在迷茫的旅行中〗心だけ彷徨って立ち尽した〖只有内心彷徨着伫立始终〗でも今は 远くまで 歩き出せる〖但是如今 我终于可以迈...(展开)