聚热点 juredian

【歌词】Raise Your Voices / 歌手:Secret Garden

Raise your voices! Raise your voices!

Praise Him - the Living Word

To the heavens high ascending

Raise your voices to the Lord

Though the night be dark and fearful

Though we face the dimming day

Though the heart be sad and tearful

Trust Him, He will light the way

Throgh the mists in this vale of sorrow

Through the glass we but darkly see

We will rise again tomorrow

Then, our eyes will lifted be

Long the road that has no ending

Far the path that has no turn

And the soul is never wending

To the place it first&nb



逢小满节气,愿国泰民安,五谷丰登。所以今天给宝宝准备了五彩米饭。五彩是哪几种颜色了?当然是和五行对应的青赤黄白黑啦材料:大米200g (白),小黄瓜一根(青),...(展开)