1. ADVThenmeans at a particular time in the past or in the future. 那时
例:He wanted to have a source of income after his retirement; until then, he wouldnt require additional money.
例:Executives pledged to get the company back on track. Since then, though, shares have fallen 30 per cent.
2. ADJThenis used when you refer to something which was true at a particular time in the past but is not true now. 当时的 [ADJ n]
例:...a tour of the then new airport.…在当时新机场的一次参观。
3. ADVThenis also an adverb. 当时 [ADV group]
例:Richard Strauss, then 76 years old, suffered through the war years in silence.
4. ADV You usethento say that one thing happens after another, or is after another on a list. 然后
例:Add the oil and then the scallops to the pan, leaving a little space for the garlic.
5. ADV You usethenin conversation to indicate that what you are about to say follows logically in some way from what has just been said or implied. 那么 [cl/group ADV]
例:"I wasnt a very good scholar in school."—"Then why did you become a teacher?"
我在学校时成绩不是很好。— 那你为什么当老师呢?
6. ADV You usethento signal the end of a topic or the end of a conversation. 用于表示话题或谈话结束 [cl/group ADV]
例:"Ill talk to you on Friday anyway."—"Yep. Okay then." 我星期五总归要和你谈谈的。 —行,就这么定了。
7. ADV You usethenwith words like "now," "well," and "okay," to introduce a new topic or a new point of view. 用于引入新话题或新观点 [adv ADV]
例: Now then, Im going to explain everything to you before we do it.
8. ADV You usethento introduce the second part of a sentence which begins with "if." The first part of the sentence describes a possible situation, andthenintroduces the result of the situation. (引导以if开头的句子,叙述可能的情况) 那么 [ADV cl]
例: If the answer is "yes," then we need to leave now.
9. ADV You usethenat the beginning of a sentence or after "and" or "but" to introduce a comment or an extra piece of information to what you have already said. (用于句首或)(and)(、)(but)(之后) 话说回来 [ADV cl]
例:He sounded sincere, but then, he always did.