A major Russian technical university is building a 55-hectare (137-acre) campus on the tropical island of Hainan, as the Chinese free-trade zone opens its door to foreign institutions.
随着中国自由贸易区向外国机构敞开大门,一所主流俄罗斯技术大学正在热带岛屿海南建设一个占地 55 公顷(137 英亩)的校园。
The Chinese campus of the National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MPEI) will be located in Hainan’s Wenchang county, a coastal tourist spot and home to a space station, according to a statement by the campus designer China Academy of Building Research (CABR) last week.
根据校园设计师中国建筑科学研究院 (CABR)上周 的一份声明,国立研究型大学莫斯科动力工程学院 (MPEI) 的中国校区将位于海南省文昌县,这是一个沿海旅游胜地和空间站所在地。
Hainan Daily, a local newspaper, reported in March that the province had struck an agreement with MPEI to set up a local campus.
当地报纸《海南日报》3 月份报道称,该省已与 MPEI 达成协议,将在当地建立一所校园。
The move comes amid Hainan’s push to boost its education sector by luring prestigious foreign universities with a focus on science, technology, agriculture or medicine, as well as vocational schools, to set up operations in the free-trade port.
The provincial education department is currently pursuing similar deals with Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences in Germany and École hôtelière de Lausanne, a hospitality management school in Switzerland.
省教育厅目前正在与德国比勒费尔德应用科学大学和瑞士酒店管理学院 École hôtelière de Lausanne 进行类似的合作。
CABR’s architecture design arm, which won the bid for MPEI’s Hainan project, said it aims to present a campus design that combines the tropical ecosystem of the island and the rational temperament of the Russian university.It did not say when the construction work would take place.