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【歌词】I m New / 歌手:Stevie Wonder[史提夫 汪达


Britney Spears


Was crying all night

I slept until noon

I just wanna lie

My living room

I know in my heart

That your not the one

So I’ll just stay home

Watch VH1

My girlfriends know what to do~~~

They know what to say, Oh~~~

My girlfriends to the rescue

Come take me away

I’m on Vacation tonight

I’m gonna leave you behind

I’m on Vacation tonight

I’m gonna loose my mind

With someone New~ New~

With someone New~ New~

With someone

I sit in the front

Roll down the window

When our song comes on

The radio

I won’t fall apart

I won’t selfdestruct

No I’ll just reach out

And turn it up

My girlfriends know what to do~~~

They know what to say (Oh~)

My girlfriends to the rescue

Come take me away(Come take me away~)

I’m on Vacation tonight

I’m gonna leave you behind







一路风雨兼程,只为心中有你文 星辉斑斓炎炎烈夏,蝉虫鼓噪,热气蒸腾,心也是燥热的,当我将锅碗瓢盆收拾好,将房间理整齐,来到电脑桌前,因为心有皈依,所以感觉到扫地...(展开)