从此你就跟他好好地生活吧,我不会再去打扰你的生活了。 From now on, you can live a good life with him. I won"t disturb your life any more.如果谁让我失望的话,我必定用绝望来还他。 If anyone let me down, I will return him with despair. 从今往后不再强求谁,愿意走就走,想留就留。 From now on, we will not force anyone to leave if they want or stay if they want. 我不会让你在触碰我的未来,过去和现在已经够了。 I won"t let you touch my future. The past and the present are enough. 可能你只有放过错的那个人,才会找到对的那个人。 Maybe you will find the right person only if you let the wrong one go. 对往事不要回头,不将就着过未来,从此只朝前看。 Don"t look back on the past, don"t make do with the future, only look forward from now on. 你把选择权交到我手上,难道我说不分手就可以不分手吗? You put the choice in my hands, can I say no break up? 我就是我,是别人无可替代的,是世界上独一无二的。 I am who I am, irreplaceable and unique in the world. 对自己最好的保护,就是把一切事物都看得淡一些。 The best way to protect yourself is to take everything lightly. 自己一定要坚强一点,因为今后的路还有很长。 I must be strong, because there is still a long way to go. 下一次见面也许就遥遥无期了,可我们还在期待着说再见。 The next meeting may be far away, but we are still looking forward to saying goodbye. 怕自己死不了心,所以不爱我了就请伤我重一点。 I"m afraid I can"t die, so if you don"t love me, please hurt me more. 我过得不好你也帮不上忙,过得好也不是为了你,所以不要再问我过得好不好了。 You can"t help me if I"m not well, and it"s not for you, so don"t ask me if I"m well.