聚热点 juredian

【歌词】Wonder bout / 歌手:宇多田光

Late at night I think about you sometimes

I don"t cry, I wonder if you"re alright

Late at night I think about you sometimes

Wonder why I wonder if you"re alright

Thinking of the love we made

Ran around, out of town, now you"re back again

Confusing true love and pain

Threw it down, now I"m back on my feet again

Are you asleep

Or are you still afraid of the dark

Hugs and kisses, pictures and romances

Things that I wish I could do without

How many nights did I wander in the dark

Counting secrets of my hear


 【歌词】静静地想你 / 歌手:陈...

歌词千寻静静地想你 - 陈勇词:陈勇曲:陈勇她突然找到我谈心扭开了太过意外的螺丝钉她不经意说起了你幸福的天平一瞬间做出了决定慢慢向她倾斜慢慢把我抛弃听着她说曾经...(展开)



四年前万科秋季例会鲜红的“活下去”历历在目,万科却似“轻舟已过万重山”,渡劫上岸。万科于8月30日披露的中报显示, 期内实现营业收入2069.2亿元,同比增长2...(展开)


