董瑞豹,男,香港人,毕业于美国威斯康辛大学。是美国会计师公会成员(AICPA)和注册金融分析师(Chartered Financial Analyst)。2004年-2009年任网易首席运营官。
董瑞豹 - 基本资料
董瑞豹 - 个人概述
董瑞豹先生于2003年6月出任网易公司执行董事,参与公司的整体管理工作,主要负责公司的在线游戏业务,并于2004年7月被任命为首席运营官。董先生拥有7年以上投资银行及投资管理经验,他曾任techpacific.com Venture Capital Limited的执行董事,管理近一亿美元的风险投资。在此之前,董先生曾工作于软库中华基金管理有限公司,野村集团,怡富证券有限公司投资银行部,以及于安永会计师事务所任职审计师。
董先生于美国威斯康辛大学毕业,主修会计及自修计算机专业,是美国会计师公会成员(AICPA)和注册金融分析师(Chartered Financial Analyst)。
董瑞豹 - 网易对董瑞豹的官方介绍
Michael Tong
Chief Operating Officer
Mr. Michael Tong has served as our Chief Operating Officer since July 2004. Previously, he was an executive director of NetEase involved in the overall management of the Company with a particular focus on our online games and wireless businesses from June 2003 until that time. Mr. Tong has over 7 years of direct investments and investment banking experience. Before joining NetEase, he was an Executive Director of techpacific.com Venture Capital Limited, managing venture funds totaling around USD 100 million. Prior to that, Mr. Tong was with Softbank China Venture Investments Limited, and also the Nomura Group. He has also worked in the Investment Banking Department at Jardine Fleming Securities and was an auditor at Ernst & Young.Mr. Tong graduated with a B.B.A. from the University of Wisconsin, Madison majoring in Accounting with an extra-concentration in Computer Science. He is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and a Chartered Financial Analyst.
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