四分卫-Rock Team
Rock team play the baseball
Rock team play the baseball Rockers join the nice game
Rock team play the baseball Rockers join the nice game
Rock team play the baseball Rockers join the nice game
Rock team play the baseball Rockers join the nice game
咱们现在来欢迎Rock team最Puiongong的吉他手 Vincent Jeng
扭转乾坤反败为胜啊 那是我与生俱来通天的本领
强力挥棒 释放能量 阿弥陀佛哈里路亚主耶稣啊 拜托
触击短打 我才袂愿
强力挥棒 那是我的最爱
你们看吧 来吧 投吧
管你曲球 快速球 蝴蝶球 指叉球
Ace ! Yor"re closer,I think you"re like Randy Johnson
Ace ! Yor"re closer,I think you"re like Randy Johnson
Ace ! Yor"re closer,I think you"re like Randy Johnson
时速超过100mile 直球特别快
时速超过100mile 直球特别快
I heard umprie said"Hey ! Guy, you got strike out!"
Strike out! Strike out!
Rock team play baseball.