BonMi创始于2011年,位于越南俄勒冈州尤金的越南餐厅。是一家屡获殊荣的越南Bánh Mì三明治店,除了精选米饭、面条、沙拉和配菜外,还提供经典的Bánh Mì三明治的独特风格化方法。
为了进一步扩张,BonMi还与Fransmart合作,Fransmart是Five Guys等品牌爆炸性增长背后的特许经营开发公司。
BONMi is an award winning Vietnamese Bánh Mì Sandwich shop offering a unique stylized approach to the classic Bánh Mì sandwich, in addition to a selection of rice, noodle, salad, and side dishes.
Bon Mi is a Vietnamese restaurant located in Eugene, Oregon. Since 2011, we have been serving up amazing, authentic Vietnamese dishes in a welcoming, friendly atmosphere. Using fresh ingredients, our talented cooks create an array of bright flavors, delectable dishes and robust delights that wow our customers,We are also proud to have earned a number of awards and recognitions, including being honored as the place for the “Best Pho in Eugene"
At BONMi all the proteins use a method of cooking called sous-vide, which cooks the protein in water baths at a low temperature for an extended time. This method is not only healthy (as little oil is required), but the process allows the flavors of the proteins and marinades to intensify. Sandwiches are priced from $6 to $7.50.
BONMi, in an effort to expand even further, has also partnered with Fransmart, the franchise development company behind the explosive growth of brands like Five Guys.
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