聚热点 juredian

【歌词】Virgin Blue / 歌手:Lead

I made it through the wilderness

Somehow I made it through

Didn"t know how lost I was

Until I found you

I was beat incomplete

I"d been had, I was sad and blue

But you made me feel

Yeah, you made me feel

Shiny and new

Like a virgin

Touched for the very first time

Like a virgin

When your heart beats

Next to mine

Gonna give you all my love, boy

My fear is fading fast

Been saving it all for you

"Cause only love can last

You"re so fine and you"re mine

Make me strong, yeah you make me bold

Oh your love thawed out

Yeah, your love thawed out

What was scared and cold

Like a virgin

Touched for the very first time

Like a virgin

With your heartbeat

Next to mine

Oooh, oooh, oooh

You"re so fine and you"re mine

I"ll be yours "till the end of time

"Cause you made me feel

Yeah, you made me feel

I"ve not



第一章 总则第一条【立法宗旨】为保护消费者的合法权益,维护社会经济秩序,促进社会主义市场经济健康发展,制定本法。第二条【本法调整对象——消费者】消费者为生活消费...(展开)