聚热点 juredian

【歌词】The Power[instrument / 歌手:カノン

Pink Floyd: Learning to fly

Into the distance, a ribbon of black

Stretched to the point of no turning back

Standing alone my senses reeled

A fatal attraction holding me fast,

How can I escape this irresistible grasp?

Can"t keep my eyes from the circling skies

Tongue-tied and twisted Just an earth-bound misfit, I

Ice is forming on the tips of my wings

Unheeded warnings, I thought I thought of everything

No navigator to guide my way home

Unladened, empty and turned to stone

A soul in tension that"s learning to fly

Condition grounded but determined to try

Can"t keep my eyes from the circling skies

Tongue-tied and twisted just an earth-bound misfit, I

Friction lock - set.

Mixture - rich

Propellers - fully forward

Flaps - set - 10 degrees

Engine gauges and suction - check

Mixture set to maximum percent - recheck

Flight instruments...

Altimeters - check both



初中毕业演讲稿4篇初中毕业演讲稿 篇1各位领导、老师、同学们:大家好!首先让我们以热烈的掌声,向各位莅临会场关心我们的领导,表示由衷的欢迎!向陪我们走过了四年风...(展开)