Dear Sirs,
This is to confirm your fax of 16 January 2012, asking us to make you offers for rice and soybeans CIF Singapore.
We faxed you this morning offering you 300 metric tons of polished rice at A$2400 per metric ton , C&F Singapore, for shipment during March/April 2012. This offer is firm, subject to the receipt of you reply before 10 February 2012.
Please note that we have quoted our most favorable price and are unable to entertain any counteroffer.
With regard to soybeans, we advice you that the few lots we have at present are under offer elsewhere. If, however, you were to make us a suitable offer, there is a possibility of our supplying them. As you know, of late, it has been a heavy demand for these commodities and this has resulted in increased prices You may, however take advantages of the strengthening market if you send an immediate reply.
此函意在确认贵公司在 2012年1月16日 要求我公司提供大米和大豆新加坡到岸价格的传真。
我公司今早已传真给贵公司精白米300公吨以每公吨2400澳元的新加坡到岸价,货物会在2012年3到4月期间装运。此报盘为实盘, 以在 2012年2月10日 之前收到回复为准。
Re: Leather Bags for Men
Dear Mr. Jones,
We accept your counter-offer of March 8 and are pleased to confirm having concluded the transaction of the captioned goods with you. Our factory has informed us that they can, at present, produce 30,000 bags per week. Thus you may rest assured that your order of 50,000 for shipment next month will be fulfilled as contracted.
However, we would like to emphasize that your L/C must reach here by the end of this month. Otherwise, shipment has to be delayed.
We enclose with this letter our Sales Confirmation No .03M 15 in duplicate. Please countersign and return us one copy for file.
We appreciate your cooperation and trust that our products will turn out to your satisfaction.
我公司接受你 3月8日 的还价,并很高兴地确认就上述货物与贵公司达成的交易。我方工厂已经告知我公司,目前,他们可以每周生产3万个皮包。因此,贵公司大可放心5万个皮包的订单将于下月按照合同约定履行装运。
随函寄送单号为 03M 15的销售确认书一式两份请在上面签字并将其中一份寄回我方以便保存。
Dear Sirs,
Your inquiry of Sept.10 has received our attention, and thank you for your interest in our leather shoes and hangbags.
A copy of our illustrated export catalogue will be sent to you today. All the goods we supply are made from leather of the very best quality. The bright colors and elegant designs together with the super workmanship can meet the requirement of a fashion trade as yours.
A representative of our company is now in Hong Kong . He will be pleased to call on you next weekend with a full range of samples of our hand-made lines. He is authorized to discuss the terms of order with you or to negotiate a contract. We shall be most grateful if you will give him the benefit of your advice and assistance.
Yours faithfully,
我公司已收到贵公司 9月10日 的询盘,谢谢你对我们的皮鞋和皮袋感兴趣。
Dear Sirs,
We have carefully studied your letter of Dec.14. As our two firms have done business with each other for many years, we should like to grant your request to lower the price of our underwear. But there are difficulties. Our cost of raw materials have risen sharply in the past three months and to reduce the prices by 5% you mentioned could not be done without considerably lowering our standards of quality. This is something we are not prepared to do. Instead of 5% reduction on underwear, we suggest a reduction of 3% on all lines. On orders of this size we could manage to make the reduction without lowering our standards.
We hope you will agree to our counter-suggestion and we look forward to receiving orders from you as in the past.
Yours truly,
我公司已仔细研究你 12月14日 的来信。鉴于贵我两家公司业务往来多年,我公司本应应贵公司要求降低内衣价格,奈何在过去的3个月内,原材料成本大幅上升,若按贵公司降低价格的5%的要求,我公司不得不降低质量标准。这是我们不愿意做的事情。与其降低5%的内衣价格,我们建议所有产品都减少了3%的售价。在这种规模的订单下,我公司可以做到物美价廉。
3.信末的“Faithfully yours”“Yours faithfully”“Truly yours”“Yours sincerely”“Sincerely yours”除了能翻译成“敬上”“谨上”以外,还可翻译成“顺致敬意”
5.多看点currency code