Alexz Johnson - Trip Around the World
Leta€?s take a Trip Around The World today
In the back seat rolling down shady lane
Leta€?s take a Trip Around The World today
The money, the money is getting in the way
Anyway you look at it ita€?s looking at your face
Standing in line on a windy day
Youa€?re pushing it along
Ita€?s pushing you away
I wona€?t regret anything I say
Why do people care what I think anyway
We could forget about the trouble and the pain
And leave it in the water let it water down the drain
Leta€?s take a Trip Around The World today
In the back seat rolling down shady lane
Leta€?s take a Trip Around The World today
I like it, I like it that way
I dona€?t mind if you dona€?t mind
But we can see what the hell we will find
Leta€?s take a Trip Around The World today
I like it, I like it that way