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College admissions can be a confusing and demanding process, requiring hours of work and preparation. The various avenues to get into college can also be perplexing.
Beyond the regular admissions process, two increasingly popular options to consider are early action and early decision.
除了常规的录取程序,有两种越来越受欢迎的选择是提前行动(Early action,EA)和提前决定(early decision,ED)。
Early action and early decision can be beneficial admissions strategies, but only if students know how to navigate these routes. The first step starts with understanding the differences.
What Is Early Action?
According to the National Association for College Admission Counseling, early action means that "students apply early and receive a decision well in advance of the institution"s regular response date."
根据美国大学入学咨询协会(National Association for College Admission Counseling)的说法,EA指学生提前申请,并在学校的常规回复日期之前收到决定。”
Or as Walter Caffey, vice president for enrollment and dean of admission and student aid at Wheaton College in Massachusetts, puts it: "They"ve decided through early action to try to get a decision earlier in the process as compared to the regular admission process so that they can understand where they stand with some of these schools that are at the top of their list."
Students should also know that some colleges use a restrictive early action process.
According to NACAC, that means students may be restricted from applying early action or early decision elsewhere.
Restrictive early action is, in a way, saying, colleges are limiting you to using this process one time. It works the same way as early action except that like early decision, you only get one shot at it.
What Is Early Decision?
NACAC describes early decision as a process in which "students make a commitment to a first-choice institution where, if admitted they definitely will enroll and withdraw all other applications."
As the College Board website explains: "Early decision plans are binding — a student who is accepted as an ED applicant must attend the college. Early action plans are nonbinding — students receive an early response to their application but do not have to commit to the college until the normal reply date of May 1."
What Happens to Students Who Back Out of Early Decision Offers?
Students accepted to college via early decision are able to nail down their postgraduation plans well ahead of their peers and enjoy the remainder of high school stress-free.
But teens generally must attend a school if they get in via early decision.
While students can"t be forced to attend any school they are accepted to via early decision, the consequences they will face, if any, when backing out of these agreements will depend on the school and the student"s situation.
Most colleges will release students from early decision offers without penalty if applicants receive a financial aid package that doesn"t make it feasible economically for the student to attend.
There may be other compelling reasons that would sway an admissions officer to release an accepted student from an early decision offer without consequence – a sick parent, for instance.
if students back out of early decision agreements without a good reason, It would be a big ethical issue.
The early decision agreement is not legally binding and the school wouldn"t go after the student for tuition, but there could be other consequences.
If, for instance, they found out a student somehow had applied to two different places early decision, or even another early action and the student had broken the early decision agreement, Nesbitt says they"d call the other schools and the student would risk losing both acceptances.
It may not be that difficult for schools to determine if students are playing the system.
Katharine Fretwell, dean of admission and financial aid at Amherst College, another Massachusetts institution, says her school and about 30 other colleges share lists of students admitted through early decision. And Fretwell says she"d likely also share the names of students who were admitted via early decision, but who are not attending for financial aid and other reasons.
Ask Yourself These 4 Questions Before You Apply Early Decision
Students who are considering applying ED to a school should weigh a number of questions very carefully before deciding on this path. While applying early decision can open doors that may otherwise have been difficult to enter, its binding nature also closes a number of other doors if you are admitted. Here are four important questions to ask yourself before applying to a college ED:
1. Is there a significant statistical advantage to applying ED?
1. ED是否有显著的优势?
At certain schools, there is a considerably higher rate of acceptance for students who apply early. However, this can vary widely by institution, with some colleges reporting exceptionally large differences, and others reporting differences of only several percentage points.
2. Would a midyear addition to your application such as a completed internship or first semester grades enhance your overall profile?
2. 如果多出半年的时间用于申请准备,例如有时间完成实习或半年的成绩将会提升你整体的情况吗?
If your answer to this question is yes, then it is perhaps best to avoid early decision applications.
The ideal time to apply early decision is when you are 100 percent certain that a particular school is your first choice college and when your admissions profile is polished and complete. If the second semester of your senior year will bring you a leadership position in an extracurricular, or a rare service learning opportunity, opt for regular admissions.
3. Have you thoroughly vetted the school, including sitting in on a class and staying on campus overnight?
3. 你是否有完全了解你所选择ED申请的学校?包括在这所学校旁听一节课,或者在那里停留过一晚?
If your answer to this question is no, set aside your early decision application for now. If you are able to do so, spend several days or a weekend on campus before you commit the next four years of your life to the school.
4. Do you often second-guess your decisions or wish that you had taken more time to think through a matter?
4. 你是否经常事后反思自己的决定,或者希望自己能花更多的时间来考虑一件事?
If your answer to this question is yes, then you should almost certainly avoid early decision. It can be tempting to move past the stresses of the college search by rushing the process, but unless you are fully secure in your choice, you may change your mind in December, March or June with no easy solution.
Take a moment to consider your most recent important decision. How often did you change your mind? Was it an anxiety-provoking process, or did you move too quickly toward a solution?
Applying early decision to college is a double-edged sword. While it may make you happier in the short term, unless you have thoroughly researched your top choice and have no doubt that it is where you wish to enroll, you may regret your lack of choice come spring. If you know that further thought and further research will aid you, think twice before submitting an early decision application.
文章来 源 :留学杂志