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【歌词】Living On A Prayer / 歌手:Groove coverage

Disturbed - Prayer

Another dream that will never come true

Just to compliment your sorrow

Another life that I"ve taken from you

A gift to add on to your pain and suffering

Another truth you can never believe

Has crippled you completely

All the cries you"re beginning to hear

Trapped in your mind, and the sound is deafening

Let me enlighten you

This is the way I pray

Living just isn"t hard enough

Burn me alive, inside

Living my life"s not hard enough

Take everything away

Another nightmare about to come true

Will manifest tomorrow

Another love that I"ve taken from you

Lost in time, on the edge of suffering

Another taste of the evil I breed

Will level you completely

Bring to life everything that you fear

Live in the dark, and the world is threatening

Let me enlighten you

This is the way I pray



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