聚热点 juredian

【歌词】I d Love You To Want / 歌手:欧美群星

I"d love you to want me 希望你爱我

When I saw you standing there 当我看见你站在那里时

I"bout fell out my chair 我几乎从椅子上跌下来

And when you moved your mouth to speak 而当你开口说话时

I felt the blood go to my feet 我感到欣喜若狂

Now it took time for me to know 现在我必须花点时间来了解

What you tried so not to show 你到底想隐藏什么

Something in my soul just cried 从你忧郁的眼神中

I see the want in your blue eyes 我看见了你的渴望

Baby 亲爱的

I"d love you to want me 我希望你能用

The way that I want you我爱你的方式

The way that it should be来爱我

You"d love me to want you 你将会喜欢我

The way that I want to 以我想要爱你的方式来爱你

If you"d only let it be 如果你愿意任感情自然发展的话

You told yourself years ago 多年以前

You"d never let your feelings show 你就已经注定

The obligation that you made 绝不表现出自己真实的情感

For the title that they gave 那是你为维持别人给你的外号所应尽的义务



 【歌词】diss東邦小绘 / 歌...

娃娃娃娃從不囂張 但莪就是比你強娃娃娃娃比你強 記住這點不要忘娃娃娃娃從不張狂 但莪就是比你狂娃娃娃娃比你強 娃娃娃娃比你狂裝神弄鬼的裝腔虛張聲勢旳才會偽裝偽裝...(展开)