歌词千寻
Well
got
a
womanway
across
town,she"s
good
to
me,ohoh
yeah.Say
got
a
womanway
across
town,she"s
good
to
me.Oh
yeah.She
gives
me
moneyeverytime
need,
yes.You
know
she"s
the
kindof
friend
indeed.Say
got
a
womanway
across
town,she"s
good
to
meoh
yeah.She
says
she
loves
meearly
in
the
morning,just
for
me.Oh
yeah.She
says
she
loves
meearly
in
the
morningjust
for
me,oh
yeah.She
says
she
loves
mejust
for
me,
yeah.You
know
she
loves
me,sometime
leave.I
got
a
womanway
across
town,she"s
good
to
me,She
says
she
loves
meall
day
and
nightnever
grumbles
or
fusses,she
just
treats
me
right.Never
running
in
the
streets,leaving
me
alone.She"s
knows
a
woman"s
placeright
back
there
hanging
by
the
home.way
across
townshe"s
good