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【歌词】WHENEVER YOU CALL -- / 歌手:MariahCarey

Mariah Carey&Brian Mcknight 《 Whenever You Call 》


Love wandered inside

Stronger than you

Stronger than I

And now that it has begun

We cannot turn back

We can only turn into me

I won‘t ever be too far away to feel you

And I won‘t hesitate at all

Whenever you call

And I‘ll always remember

The part of you so tender

I‘ll be the one to catch your fall

Whenever you call

And I‘m truly inspired

Finding my soul

There in your eyes

And you

Have opened my heart

And lifed me inside

By showing me yourself


I won‘t ever be too far away to feel you

And I won‘t hesitate at all

Whenever you call

And I‘ll always remember

The part of you so tender

I‘ll be the one to catch your fall

Whenever you call

Whenever you call

Whenever you call

And I will breathe for you each day

Comfort you through all the pain

Gently kiss your fears






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