聚热点 juredian

【歌词】bass in you face / 歌手:Club dance


The big fat bass ~~

I can be the treble baby

You can be the bass

You can be the bass

You can be the bass

I can be the treble baby

You can be the bass

You can be the bass

You can be the bass

I can be the treble baby

You can be the bass

You can be the bass

You can be the bass

I can be the treble baby

You can be the bass

You can be the bass

You can be the bass

Hey you see down on the floor

I want you to take me higher

Till I can"t take it no more

(It"s getting bigger

the bass is getting bigger)

And now, you see me up on the sky

I was rocking the bottom

Now look at me I can fly

(It"s getting bigger

the bass is getting bigger)

I can be your treble baby

You can be my bass


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