聚热点 juredian

【歌词】A House By The Ocean / 歌手:Rasmus Kellerman

Cheryl Cole - The Flood

@ 制作

Turn the lights out,

In the light house,

I saw you coming,

Felt the ship wreck

Saw the wreckage,

I heard you yelling,

Just a mess when I saw your reflection in the sand,

Wondering where you were washed up,

Or I ran to the water, Mmmmm,

I can put my hands down in it,

But I won"t bring nothing up,

Sitting at the shore all day,

Waiting on the tide to come

But you can"t hold on to water

It fills you up but never stays

It"s only good to wash away, today

And you"re loving me like water

You"re slippin" through my fingers such

A natural disaster love

Bringing on the flood, the flood

Love me like a flood, a flood, bring it on

Stay tonight out,

By the beach house, it"s all so quiet

Lit a candle candle,

By the window, so you might find it



姓名:Gheorghe Muresan   中文:乔治-穆雷桑   位置: C   身高: 2.31米 / 7尺7寸   体重: 137公斤 / 303磅   ...(展开)


 陳書卷十五  列傳第九

陳書卷十五  列傳第九宗室    陳擬 陳詳 陳慧紀   陳擬字公正,高祖疏屬也。少孤貧,性質直彊記。高祖南征交趾,擬從焉。又進討侯景,至豫章,以擬為羅州刺史,...(展开)