聚热点 juredian

【歌词】Thin Ice / 歌手:Stratovarius[灵云]

Momma loves her baby,

And Daddy loves you, too

And the sea may look warm to ya, Babe

And the sky may look blue.

Oooooo Babe.

Ooooooo Baby Blue.

Ooooo Ooohh Babe.

If you should go skating,

On the thin ice of modern life,

Dragging behind you the silent reproach,

Of a million tear-stained eyes,

Don"t be surprised when a crack in the ice.

Appears under your feet.

You slip out of your depth and out of your mind,

With your fear flowing out from behind,

You as you claw the ice.



你好,我是【徐哥回答】,很高兴为你解答。  《戴手铐的旅客》的主题曲《驼铃》。歌曲原唱为吴增华。歌词表达含泪式离别情和期待佳讯情,是浓浓战友情,因而成为部队、公...(展开)


