聚热点 juredian

【歌词】The End(Radio Edit) / 歌手:Groove coverage

My home is in motion, as darkness unfolds.

The air overloaded, the sky stands in gold.

But you went away, you left me to stay

We"ll see us in heaven, I"m counting the days


At the end of time, at the end of us,

At the end of everything we had,

Only faith helps you, only grace can do

Only you ca



林珊珊的回答:镌,读作juān 部首:钅,总笔画:15,五笔86:QWYE ,五笔98:QWYB ,仓颉:OPOGS 笔顺编号:311153141112152,...(展开)


 【歌词】衣裳 / 歌手:郑晓飞

作词:王武雄 作曲:李正帆编曲:李正帆 主唱:李正帆他寻找爱情上战场 每次都受伤他依然挺起了胸膛 继续往前闯他发现爱情的地方 充满了伪装他只好用美丽的衣裳 掩饰...(展开)