聚热点 juredian

【歌词】the leaving (so long) / 歌手:Midge Ure

Long Way Down - Tom Odell

Walking on the rooftops

Talking of times

With our eyes a glowing

Like the city lights

She stands on the ledge,

She says, it looks so high

You know its a...

Long way down

Feels like a long way down

Feels like a long way down

Like a long way down

So honey dont leave, dont leave,

Please dont leave me now

Cuz I can feel the rivers

Winding through the lands

Two lines, and a poet

Like a kind old rye

You know we could talk in that language

Only we understand

But you know..

Its a long way down

You know its a long way down

Feels like a long way down

Love it feels like a long way down

So honey dont leave, dont leave,

Please dont leave me now



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