Rap:look ma it"s about what you wanna do not about me and you
think it through with a can o strong brew"s
true eyery time you say you through you turn blue honey dew
then you moppin on the floor say you miss ya boo
can"s tell what to do when you deviously got yourself into more tan you can chew
just too bad for you and yo crew
i"m only looking for a good time
ain"t yo fool
世界大赛老虎伍兹 风中挥杆 动作好精采
高行健 挥笔换来 诺贝尔将"灵山"好厉害
巴黎宣布退休 老盛罗兰收起名牌
盖兹时间宝贵 每四秒赚美金一千块
这些事情跟我没关系 我只关心我美不美 hey hey hey~~
我开心笑哈哈 我要哭不尴尬 我烦躁便会骂(什么也不害怕)
别跟我说道理 别让我讨厌