聚热点 juredian

【歌词】Soul Storm / 歌手:Patrice

Kenny Chesney - Spirit Of A Storm

卜超 制作

There"s a spirit of a storm in my soul

A restlessness that I can"t seem to tame

Thunder and lightning follow everywhere I go

There"s a spirit of a storm in my soul.

There"s a hurricane that"s raging through my blood

I can"t find a way to calm the sea

Maybe I"ll find someday the waters aren"t so rushed

Right now they"ve got the best of me

And oh, it"s been a long, long time

Since I had real peace of mind

So I"m just going to sit right here

In this old chair till this storm rolls by.

Oh, maybe it"s just the way I am

Maybe I won"t ever change

So I"m just going to sit right here

In this old chair and just soak up the rain.

There"s a spirit of a storm in my soul

Every time I think it"s gone away

Dark clouds gather, that old wind begins to blow

The sun"s going to sh


 【歌词】起来2008 / 歌手:...

四分卫 - 起来2008▓带你心飞海浪在退潮之前 将我消失在泡沫里面我承受这份孤单 留下脚印在沙滩远方灯火通明 让海和天一样黑微风吹动风帆 失去引力向前追忽然间...(展开)


