If my heart has grown cold 如果我的心已經冷淡
There Your love will unfold 求你對我再次顯明你的愛
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand 求你再次讓我看見你為我所成就的
When I m blind to my way 當我看不見眼前的道路
There Your Spirit will pray 聖靈,你用說不出的嘆息為我祈求
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand 求你再次讓我看見你手成就的工作
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand 求你再次讓我看見你為我所成就的
Oceans will part nations come 海洋會分開 國度將臨到
At the whisper of Your call 在你輕柔的呼召下
Hope will rise glory shown 盼望被高舉 榮耀被顯明
In my life Your will be done 在我的生命 你的旨意必然成就
Present suffering may pass 目前的苦難總會過去的
Lord Your mercy will last 而主的憐憫才是永遠長存
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand 求你再次讓我看見你為我所成就的
And my heart will find praise 而我的心將找到讚美
I ll delight in Your way 我將在你的旨意中歡欣快樂
As You open my eyes to the work of Your hand 求你再次讓我看見你手成就的工作
As You open my eyes t