神话shinhwa
-
throw
my
fist专辑:state
of
the
art脚拳
-
throw
my
fist
≮
vanyeah
we
back
with
the
tight
beatsif
you
can
do
it
like
this(if
you
can
do
it
like
this)yeah
we
back
with
the
tight
beatsif
you
can
do
it
like
this.that‘s
what
i‘m
talking
aboutyeah
we
back
with
the
tight
beatsif
you
can
do
it
like
this(if
you
can
do
it
like
this)yeah
i‘m
ready
to
go
another
roundif
you
players
feel
the
beatthe
heat
is
up
to
the
skyring
困俊
带廉柳
荐扒
窍唱肺葛滴
器扁沁促绊
且
荐
绝绢瘤媚
滚赴
扒
窜瘤
滴
促府
挥具酒流
郴
缴厘篮
拌加
顿绊
乐垒酒(i
got
heart
on
fire)传拱篮
捞固
富扼
滚赴
吧(no
tears)啊娇捞
促
怕况
滚啡垒酒
uh
oh(can
you
feel
my
heat)嘎绊
肚
静矾
柳促秦档
抄(finally)器扁窍瘤
臼绊
老绢唱(i)(throw
my
fist)and
i
rock
this
world唱甫
瓜绢霖
呈父阑
困秦技惑
场鳖瘤
唱甫
带瘤摆绢
yeahit‘s
the
way
i
love
my
life唱狼
牢积
加俊
阂啊瓷
捞扼绰积阿
绝捞
混酒艾带
荤恩捞具静矾瘤搁
鞍篮
角荐
救郴绰
扒
鞘荐龙
荐
绝栏聪
wait
for
victory踌郊
郴
绢柄啊
厕撇芭府绊歹款
乔啊
郴
个俊
肚
瞒棵扼瘤况廉
滚赴
扁撅捞扼
富窍变厕加俊
酒流
唱
混酒
乐垒酒(i
got
heart
on
fire)传拱篮
捞固
富扼
滚赴
吧(no
tears)啊娇捞
促
怕况
滚啡垒酒
uh
oh(can
you
feel
my
heat)嘎绊
肚
静矾
柳促秦档
抄(finally)器扁窍瘤
臼绊
老绢唱(i)(throw
my
fist)and
i
rock
this
world唱甫