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How come women who have around 10% more body fat for men, are more sensitive for cold?【译】为什么女性比男性多10%的体脂,对寒冷更敏感?【单词】fat [fat][fæt] n. 脂肪【单词】sensitive [sen-si-tiv][sensətɪv] adj. 灵敏的;敏感的
Well for one, a decent amount of the extra fat is located around the organs hey have and we dont, uterus, ovaries, fat acts as extra cushioning and protection.【译】首先,相当数量的多余脂肪分布在男性没有的器官周围,例如子宫和卵巢等,脂肪起到了额外的缓冲和保护作用。【单词】decent [dee-suhnt][diːsnt] adj. 相当好的;体面的;适当的;正派的【单词】extra [ek-struh][ekstrə] adj. 额外的 n. 额外之物;adv. 特别地【单词】located 原型:locate [loh-keyt, loh-keyt][ləʊkeɪt] vt. 找出;把 ... 设置在;使坐落于【单词】organs 原型:organ [awr-guhn][ɔːɡən] n. 器官【单词】hey [hey][heɪ] int. 嗨【单词】uterus [yoo-ter-uhs][juːtərəs] n. 子宫【单词】ovaries [əʊvəri] n. 卵巢;[植]子房【单词】cushioning 原型:cushion [koosh-uhn][kʊʃn] vt. 加垫褥;放在垫子上;保护;减缓;为 ... 装垫子【单词】protection [pruh-tek-shuhn][prətekʃn] n. 保护;防卫
And second, male metabolisms are slightly different from female ones.【译】第二,男性的新陈代谢与女性略有不同。【单词】metabolisms [muh-tab-uh-liz-uhm][mɪtæbəlɪzəmz] 代谢机制【单词】slightly [slahyt][slaɪtli] adv. 些微地;稍微;瘦小地【单词】female [fee-meyl][fiːmeɪl] adj. 女性的;雌性的 n. 女性;雌性动物;[植]雌株
On average males have a higher metabolism which means we burn energy and heat up faster, and on top of that, theres evidence that testosterone (a mainly male hormone) actually Desensitizes nerves to the cold and makes you "feel" warmer, (remember that kid in highschool who would wear shorts even when it was close to freezing outside? theres a decent chance he wasnt crazy and that he was actually comfortable wearing that)【译】一般来说,男性的新陈代谢更高,这意味着我们燃烧能量和热量更快,除此之外,有证据表明睾酮(一种主要是男性具有的荷尔蒙)实际上会使神经对寒冷脱敏,让你感觉更暖和,(还记得高中时的那个孩子,即使在外面快冻僵的时候也会穿短裤?他很有可能不是疯了,而且他穿起来很舒服)【单词】average [av-er-ij, av-rij][ævərɪdʒ] adj. 平均的;一般的;通常的【单词】metabolism [muh-tab-uh-liz-uhm][mətæbəlɪzəm] n. 新陈代谢【单词】burn [burn][bɜːn] v. 燃烧;烧着【单词】heat [heet][hiːt] n. 热度;热;热烈;激烈【单词】testosterone [tes-tos-tuh-rohn][testɒstərəʊn] n. 睾丸激素(男性荷尔蒙的一种)【单词】mainly [meyn-lee][meɪnli] adv. 主要地;大部分地【单词】hormone [hawr-mohn][hɔːməʊn] n. 荷尔蒙;激素【单词】nerves 原型:nerve [nurv][nɜːv] n. 神经;勇气【单词】highschool [haɪskuːl] n. 高中【单词】wear [wair][weə] v. 磨损;穿戴;使疲劳【单词】freezing 原型:freeze [freez][friːz] v. 冻结;冷冻;僵硬;凝固 n. 严寒;冻结【单词】crazy [krey-zee][kreɪzi] adj. 疯狂的;荒唐的【单词】comfortable [kuhmf-tuh-buhl, kuhm-fer-tuh-buhl][kʌmftəbl] adj. 舒适的;充裕的【单词】wearing 原型:wear [wair][weə] v. 磨损;穿戴;使疲劳【专有名词】Desensitizes [dee-sen-si-tahyz][ˌdiːsensətaɪz] vt. 减少感光性;使不敏感
So its really more that men on average just are/feel warmer than women, so we turn the A/C on more, and freeze them out.【译】所以男人比女人更容易感到温暖,因此男性把空调开得更大,让她们冻冻(呵呵)。【单词】freeze [freez][friːz] v. 冻结;冷冻;僵硬;凝固 n. 严寒;冻结
Women have a lower basal metabolic rate than men.【译】女性的基础代谢率比男性低。【单词】basal [bey-suhl, -zuhl][beɪsl] adj. 基础的;基本的【单词】metabolic [met-uh-bol-ik][ˌmetəbɒlɪk] adj. 新陈代谢的【专有名词】Women [wim-in][wɪmɪn] n. 女人们;妇女,名词woman的复数形式.
That is they burn less fuel, so they produce less heat.【译】也就是说,它们燃烧的燃料更少,所以产生的热量也更少。【单词】fuel [fyoo-uhl][fjuːəl] n. 燃料;刺激因素
Also, in my informal observation, women tend to often be on calorie-restricted diets, which lowers their metabolic rates, which means they produce less heat.【译】另外,在我的非正式观察中,女性往往倾向于限制卡路里的饮食,这会降低她们的新陈代谢率,也就是说她们产生的热量更少。【用法】tend to表示朝某方向;趋向;偏重,后面接动词原形。如:We tend to make mistakes when we do things in a hurry.忙中不免出错。【单词】informal [in-fawr-muhl][ɪnfɔːml] adj. 非正式的;不拘形式的【单词】observation [ob-zur-vey-shuhn][ˌɒbzəveɪʃn] n. 观察;观察力;注意;评论【单词】tend [tend][tend] v. 趋向;易于;朝向 v. 照料;照管【单词】diets 原型:diet [dahy-it][daɪət] n. 日常食物;规定饮食;节食 v. 节食;照规定饮食;喂食
Two things:【译】两方面:
The ratio of skin to body mass is different.【译】皮肤和身体质量的比例是不同的。【单词】ratio [rey-shoh, -shee-oh][reɪʃiəʊ] n. 比率;比例【单词】skin [skin][skɪn] n. 皮肤;外皮【单词】mass [mas][mæs] n. 大量;块;众多,这里指质量、重量
Women generally have the same surface area as men, but are physically smaller, without the really dense muscle you see in males.【译】女性的体表面积一般与男性相同,但体型较小,没有你在男性身上看到的那种真正致密的肌肉。【单词】surface [sur-fis][sɜːfɪs] adj. 表面的;肤浅的【单词】physically [fiz-ik-lee][fɪzɪkli] adv. 身体上地;实际上【单词】dense [dens][dens] adj. 密集的;稠密的;浓密的【单词】muscle [muhs-uhl][mʌsl] n. 肌肉
Womens clothing sucks at being warm.【译】另外女性的服装一般不保暖。【单词】clothing 原型:clothe [klohth][kləʊð] vt. 穿上;赋予 clothed / clad clothed /【单词】sucks 原型:suck [suhk][sʌk] vi. <俚>烂【单词】warm [wawrm][wɔːm] adj. 温暖的;暖和的
For example, in an office environment, you would commonly see men dressed in pants and jackets, while women are wearing thin dresses and leggings.【译】例如,在办公室环境中,你通常会看到男人穿着裤子和夹克,而女人则穿着单薄的连衣裙和紧身裤。【短语】for example 例如;例句:You can buy fruit here - oranges and bananas, for example. 你可以在这里买水果,例如买柑橘和香蕉。【单词】commonly [kom-uhn-lee][kɒmənli] adv. 一般地;通常地;普通地【单词】dressed 原型:dress 动词过去式 [dres][dres] v. 打扮;穿衣;穿着;给(某人)穿衣【单词】pants 原型:pant [pant][pænt] 这里pants指裤子【单词】jackets 原型:jacket [jak-it][dʒækɪt] n. 短上衣;茄克衫【单词】thin [thin][θɪn] adj. 薄的;瘦的;稀的【单词】dresses 原型:dress [dres][dres] n. 服装;女装【单词】leggings 原型:legging [leg-ing][legɪŋ] n. 绑腿;紧身裤,打底裤