It started with a stolen glance,那始于一次悄然的瞥见
And followed with a silent chance.,紧接着 机会亦悄然而至
Unburdened without any doubts,I,无需倾诉任何疑惑的我
Found myself crossing paths,unexpected.,忽然察觉,我已与你不期而遇
And up close,I indulged in the message.,并且我深陷其中,禁不住拉近距离
Getting lured into a false sense of security,这份虚假的安全感 却充满着诱惑力
Before I could realize what started happening so suddenly.,还未意识到刹那间发生的一切 我便为之所缚
What could it be?,之后又将会如何呢?
Every time I try to look away,I can't help but peek.,每次都想尽力移开目光,却依旧忍不住偷瞥
I can't resist the way you smile.,你微笑的样子 令我难以抗拒
I can't seem to hide the way I feel about you.,似乎我无法掩饰心中对你的感觉
I just can't change.,如磐石般难以撼动
There's no sense in pushing back against the truth.,反抗现实有什么意义呢?
I can feel without shame.,我已不再感到害羞
Even if after resistance melts away,it was not in vain.,哪怕是抗拒感逐渐消失,那也并非徒劳
Yes,I know now that this should be...,没错,我明白现在本应该如此……
In secret,let us rendezvous,,让我们来一场秘密的幽会吧,
With whispers in the afternoon.,伴随着午后的低语
Unburdened without need for words,I,无需倾诉千言万语的我
Found myself longing after your presence.,忽然察觉,你的出现点燃我的渴望
And no longer die I try to fight it.,并且我不会再选择将其抗拒
Getting lured into a false sense of security.,这份虚假的安全感 却充满着诱惑力
Before I could realize what started happening so suddenly.,还未意识到刹那间发生的一切 我便为之所缚
What could it be?,之后又将会如何呢?
Every time I try to turn away,I can't help but peek.,每次都想尽力移开目光,却依旧忍不住偷瞥
I see the way you look at me.,我也明白了 你如何注视着我
I can't seem to hide the way I feel about you.,似乎我无法掩饰心中对你的感觉
I just can't change.,如磐石般难以撼动
There's no sense in pushing back against the truth.,反抗现实有什么意义呢?
I can feel without shame.,我已不再感到害羞
Even if after resistance melts away,it was not in vain.,哪怕是抗拒感逐渐消失,那也并非徒劳
Yes,I know now that this should be...,没错,我明白现在本应该如此……
Finding solace in the silence,hanging onto,于寂静之中寻觅着慰藉,紧攥着
A secret past.,神秘的往昔
All my memories falling down,cascade around us,the good and the bad.,我的所有回忆,无论美好亦或痛苦,皆如激流般倾泻于周身
Even if it's bittersweet,I've learned to savor this love we have.,哪怕是喜忧参半,我也懂得去享受这份我们共有的爱
Yes,I know now,as it should be...,没错,现在我已了然,它本应该如此……
Maybe best left unknown,with nowhere left to go.,或许保留未知感,无处可去,才是最好的选择……