聚热点 juredian


Good morning, The Worm, Your Honour,

The Crown will plainly show,

The prisoner who now stands before you,

Was caught red-handed showing feelings.

Showing feelings of an almost human nature.

This will not do.

Call the schoolmaster !

I always said he"d come to no good,

In the end, your Honour.

If they"d let me have my way,

I could have flayed him into shape.

But my hands were tied.

The bleeding hearts and artists,

Let him get away with murder.

Let me hammer him today.


Toys in the attic, I am crazy.

Truly gone fishing.

They must have taken my marbles away.


Toys in the attic, he is crazy.

You little shit, you"re in it now.

I hope they throw away the key.

You should"ve talked to me more often than you did.

But no ! You had to go your own way.

Have you broken any homes up lately ?

Just five minutes, Worm,



来源:曲靖日报-掌上曲靖资料图。资料图。资料图。资料图。元宵节,又称上元节、小正月、元夕或灯节,为每年农历正月十五日,是中国春节年俗中最后一个重要节令。 正月是...(展开)