White Rabbit sweets:bunny power
A favourite brand reinvents itself again
【1】Among the self-flyingplanes,swankyelectric cars and model space-stations on display at anexhibitionof Chinese wares in Shanghai in May was adecidedlyuntechnicalrelicof the past: White Rabbitcreamycandies. For many older Chinese themilkyflavourrecalls a Communist-era childhood when few other treats were available.
【2】The sweetspredatethe Communist Partytakeoverin1949. This year they turn80. As one of the few pre-Communist products stillthriving, they have a thing or two to teach China’s new techupstartsaboutlongevity.
【3】The rabbit has reinvented itself many times, most recently in November when itteamedup with Coach, a high-end American fashion firm, to producegiantbunniesonhandbags(pictured) costing up to7,500yuan ($1,050), as well as flouncy dresses,denimjacketsand a gold White-Rabbitnecklace(hopped up at9,500yuan). Tapping intonostalgiain the Chinese market, thecollaborationgives Coach a boost in the complexwarrenof Chineseconsumerism, whileenablingWhite Rabbits tobreednew followers across the Pacific.
【4】China’s firstdomestictoffeeswere produced in1943with Mickey Mouse on thewrapper. When such Americana fell out of favour in the1950s, therodentwasreplacedby da baitu, a big white rabbit, which gave the brand its name. The stylised blue-and-white cartoon bunny became an icon: in1972Zhou Enlai, then China’s prime minister, presented White Rabbits to Richard Nixon on his first visit to Communist China. Soviet leaders visiting Beijing also enjoyed such gifts.
【5】Thefortunesof the sweet soured after Mao Zedong died in1976. As foreign goodspouredin, White Rabbits lost theirdomesticdominance. Guan Sheng Yuan, the state-owned company that makes them,toutedthe treat’snutritionalproperties—seven sweets were equivalent to drinking a glass of milk, according to a popular slogan—but parents became harder tolurewith such claims.
【6】Theconfectioneryeven fell foul of China’s food-safetyscandalsin2008when thousands of children became ill drinking Chinese powdered milkcontaminatedwithmelamine, and dairy products were removed from shops at home and abroad. White Rabbits are now made using imported milkpowder.
【7】Thebunniesfought back. In2018the firstbatchesof White Rabbitlipbalm sold out within hours. The following year themanufacturerteamedup with Godiva, a chocolate company, to make White Rabbit ice cream and people queued for hours to buy the newlylaunchedWhite Rabbit milk tea at a pop-up shop in Shanghai. The company has sincelaunchedperfumes, a shower gel and hand cream. In2021Guan Sheng Yuan opened a shop in Shanghai selling all manner of branded products.
【8】The sweet-maker hascapitalisedon the trend for guochao, a phrase meaning “national wave”, applied totrendyChinese-made consumer goods that appeal to thenostalgiaandpatriotismof the young. Liushen, a traditionalmosquitorepellent, collaborated with KFC to make arefreshingherbaldrink for the summer. The Forbidden City in Beijing even produced a range oflipsticksnamed for the colours of ancientartefacts.
【9】White Rabbit’scollaborationwithluxurybrandsreceiveda boost this year from the arrival of the year of the rabbit in the Chinese zodiac. Sales in the first quarter were up by10% year on year, according to Guan Sheng Yuan. To see in the new year, SK-II, a Japaneseskincarebrand,launchedalimited-editionWhite Rabbit faceserum(the bottles warned consumers: “Do not eat”). Foreign markets provide an additional carrot. The candies havediversifiedinto a whole range offlavours, such aspeanut, red-bean,mustardanddurian, and areexportedto more than50countries. That’s a whole different rabbit-hole.
1.原文:Among the self-flying planes, swanky electric cars and model space-stations on display
词典:on display 陈列,展出
例句:Designs for the new sports hall are on display in the library.
2.原文:most recently in November when it teamed up with Coach, a high-end American fashion firm
词典:team up (with sb)合作;(与某人)结成一队
例句:Elton teamed up with Eric Clapton to wow thousands at a Wembley rock concert...
3.原文:Tapping into nostalgia in the Chinese market,
词典:tap (into) sth利用,开发,发掘(已有的资源、知识等)
例句:We need to tap the expertise of the people we already have.
The movie seems to tap into a general sentimentality about animals.
4.原文:the collaboration gives Coach a boost in the complex warren of Chinese consumerism
词典:give sb/sth a boost 帮助,促进,推动
例句:The tax cuts will give a much needed boost to the economy.
It would get the economy going and give us the boost that we need...
5.原文:while enabling White Rabbits to breed new followers across the Pacific.
词典:enable sb to do sth 使能够/使有机会做某事
例句:The software enables you to access the Internet in seconds.
6.原文:When such Americana fell out of favour in the 1950s,
词典:fall out of favour; fall from favour 不再受人喜爱,失宠
例句:Hefallsout of favour with the boss.
7.原文:As foreign goods poured in,
词典:pour in 不断涌入,纷至沓来
例句:Letters of complaint continue to pour in.
8.原文:seven sweets were equivalent to drinking a glass of milk, according to a popular slogan
词典:be equivalent (to sth)(价值、数量、意义、重要性等)相等的,相同的
例句:A unit is equivalent to a glass of wine or a single measure of spirits.
9.原文:The confectionery even fell foul of China’s food-safety scandals in 2008
词典:fall foul of sb/sth(因做错事或不法行为)与…发生麻烦,与…产生纠葛,冒犯
例句:He had fallen foul of the FBI.
10.原文:In 2018 the first batches of White Rabbit lip balm sold out within hours.
词典:sell out 售完,售罄,一售而空
例句:Hardware stores have sold out of water pumps and tarpaulins.
Sleeping bags sold out almost immediately.
11.原文:In 2021 Guan Sheng Yuan opened a shop in Shanghai selling all manner of branded products.
词典:all manner of sb/sth各种各样的人(或事);形形色色的人(或事)
例句:The problem can be solved in all manner of ways.
Mr Winchester is impressively knowledgeable about all manner of things.
12.原文:The sweet-maker has capitalised on the trend for guochao,
词典:capitalize on/upon sth充分利用;从…中获得更多的好处
例句:The team failed to capitalize on their early lead.
The rebels seem to be trying to capitalize on the public"s discontent with the government.
13.原文:a phrase meaning “national wave”, applied to trendy Chinese-made consumer goods that appeal to the nostalgia and patriotism of the young.
词典:appeal to sb 有吸引力;有感染力;引起兴趣
例句:The design has to appeal to all ages and social groups.
14.原文:The candies have diversified into a whole range of flavours, such as peanut, red-bean, mustard and durian,
词典:diversify (sth) (into sth)(尤指企业或公司)增加…的品种;从事多种经营;扩大业务范围
例句:Farmers are being encouraged to diversify into new crops.
The company"s troubles started only when it diversified into new products...
1.原文:The rabbithas reinventeditself many times, most recently in November when it teamed up with Coach, a high-end American fashion firm,to produce giant bunnies on handbags (pictured) costing up to 7,500 yuan ($1,050),as well as flouncy dresses, denim jackets and a gold White-Rabbit necklace (hopped up at 9,500 yuan).
2.分析:主句是主谓宾结构The rabbit(主语)has reinvented(谓语动词)itself(宾语)。many times作时间状语。most recently in November是插入语,when it teamed up with Coach是定语从句,先行词是November。a high-end American fashion firm是同位语,修饰Coach。动词不定式to produce...为目的状语。costing up to 7,500 yuan ($1,050),是现在分词作伴随状语,修饰handbags。as well as flouncy dresses, denim jackets and a gold White-Rabbit necklace (hopped up at 9,500 yuan).和handbags一样,都是介词短语on...的对象,列举出一些印有大白兔的衣服。
1.原文:The confectioneryeven fell foul of China’s food-safety scandalsin 2008 when thousands of children became illdrinking Chinese powdered milkcontaminated with melamine,and dairy productswere removedfrom shops at home and abroad.
2.分析:长句有两个句子构成,由and连接。第一个句子是主谓宾结构The confectionery(主语)even fell foul of(谓语动词)China’s food-safety scandals(宾语)。in 2008作时间状语,when thousands of children became ill为定语从句,修饰先行词2008。drinking Chinese powdered milk为现在分词作原因状语,contaminated with melamine是后置定语修饰powdered milk;第二个句子的结构是dairy products(主语)were removed(被动语态)from shops at home and abroad(介词短语)。
As one of thefew pre-Communist products still thriving, they have a thing or two to teachChina’s new tech upstarts aboutlongevity.
例句:As one of thefew ancient small towns still flourishing, Wuzhen has a thing or two to teach other China’s ancient towns that are eager to become a magnet for tourists and investors about innovation and adaptation.
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