聚热点 juredian

【歌词】FREE / 歌手:WISE

They throwed him in jail

And they kept him there

Hoping soo he"d die

That his body and spirit would waste away

And soon after that his mind

But every day is born a fool

One who thinks that he can rule

One who says tomorrow"s mine

One who wakes one day to find

The prison doors open the shackles broken

And chaos in the street

Everybody sing we"re free free free free

Everybody sing we"re free free free free

Everybody sing we"re free free free free

They throwed him in jail

And they kept him there

Hoping his memory"d die

That the people forget how he once led

And fought for justice in their lives

But every day is born a man

Who hates what he can"t understand

Who thinks the answer is to kill

Who thinks his actions are god"s will

And he thinks he"s free free free free

Yes he thinks he"s free free free free

He thinks he"s free free free free

Soon must come the day

Whe the righteous have their way

Unjustly tried are





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