Hi, Im Martin, welcome to Oxford Online English!
In this lesson, you can learn how to describe a person who you know in English.
嗨,我是 Martin,欢迎回到牛津在线英语!
Think about someone you know well.
It could be someone in your family, a close friend, someone you work with, or someone else.
How would you describe that person? What does that person look like?
What kind of personality does this person have?
Describing a person is useful in many situations, including speaking exams like the IELTS speaking test or the FCE speaking exam.
描述一个人在很多场合中都很有用,包括像雅思口语考试或 FCE 口语考试这样的口语考试。
In this lesson, youll learn how to describe a person in detail using clear, natural English.
During this lesson, youre going to practice, so you need to think of someone youre going to describe.
It can be anyone you know well. Got someone?
Great! Lets begin. Part one: describing appearance.
First question: what does he or she look like? What can you say when describing a persons appearance?
You can talk about the persons height and build: "My brother is tall and well-built." "My friend Lia is medium height and slim."
你可以讲讲这个人的身高和体形:我的哥哥个子高,体格健壮。我的朋友 Lia 中等身高,身材苗条。
"Craig, who I work with, is short and overweight." Do you know what "well-built" means?
我的同事 Craig 很矮并且肥胖。你知道 "well-built" (体格健壮)是什么意思吗?
Someone who is well-built is broad and strong, with big muscles. You can also add adverbs to make your sentences more precise: "My brother is quite tall and well-built."
"My friend Lia is medium height and really slim." "Craig, who I work with, is short and a little overweight."
我的朋友 Lia 中等身高,非常苗条。我的同事 Craig 很矮,还有点胖。
Then, maybe add something about the persons hair: "He has short, brown hair, but hes going bald fast." "She has long, dark blonde hair."
"He has curly, fair hair." What does "fair" mean here?
他有着卷卷的浅色金发。"fair" 在这里是什么意思?
Its the opposite of "dark", and you can use it to describe someones hair or skin. Finally, what else can you say about the persons appearance?
它是 "dark" 的反义词,可以用它来描述某人的头发或皮肤。
Imagine youre describing the person to me, and you want me to be able to recognise this person from your description. What could you say?
There are many possibilities, of course, but here are a few suggestions: "He looks a bit like a younger version of Vin Diesel." "Shes really beautiful, with very striking features."
"He has a long scar on his right elbow." Do you know what "striking features" means?
他的右肘上有一条长疤。你知道 "striking features" (突出的容貌)是什么意思吗?
In this context, "features" refers to someones face. "Striking" means that you cant help noticing something.
在这个语境中,"features" 指的是某人的脸。"striking" 的意思是你情不自禁地注意某事。
So if someone has "striking features", it means he or she has a very unusual and attractive face. What about "scar"?
所以如果某人容貌突出,意思就是他或她的脸长得与众不同,很有魅力。那 "scar" (疤痕)呢?
Scars are left over when you get a deep cut or have an operation. Okay, so now you should be able to use three sentences about the person youre describing, like this: "My brother is quite tall and well-built.
He has short, brown hair, but hes going bald fast. He looks a bit like a younger version of Vin Diesel."
Your turn: pause the video and make three sentences about the person youre describing. Remember: height/build, then hair, then general appearance.
Could you do this? If so, great, great job, weve only done one part, and youve already got the start of a good description.
But of course, theres more we can add.
Part two: describing positive characteristics.
Another question: whats this person like? Do you know what this question means?
It means I want you to tell me about the persons personality. Lets start with positive words you can use to talk about someones character.
Think about the person youre describing. What good things can you say about him or her?
You could describe someone as "kind", but its better to be more specific if you can. Better words to use are: "considerate", meaning someone who always thinks about other people and their needs.
你可以用 "kind" (善良)来描述某人,但是可以的话,最好还是要更具体一些。更好的词包括:"considerate" (体贴),意思是某人总是会考虑到别人和他们的需要。
Or "warm", meaning someone who shows positive feelings to others and makes other people feel good. Or, maybe this person is good at making other people laugh.
或者 "warm" (温暖),意思是某人对其他人表现出了积极的情感,使其他人感觉舒服。
You could say they are "funny" or they "have a good sense of humour". More generally, you can describe someone as "fun" or "entertaining" if people enjoy spending time with them.
你可以用 "funny" (搞笑)或 "have a good sense of humour" (有幽默感)来形容他。一般来说,如果人们喜欢和他待在一起,那你就可以用 "fun" (风趣)或 "entertaining" (使人愉快的)来形容他。
What else? Well, for a friend, its very important that a person is "reliable", that you can depend on them to keep their promises and be there for you when you need them.
还有什么呢?对朋友来说,一个人一定要 "reliable" (可靠的),这样你就信得过他,知道他会信守诺言,知道当你需要他时他会在你身边。
Similarly, you could describe people as "honest" or "straightforward". If someone is "straightforward", theyre honest, easy to understand and easy to spend time with.
相似的,你可以用 "honest" (诚实)或 "straightforward" (直接)来形容别人。如果你用 "straightforward" 来形容一个人,那就表示他很诚实,很好懂,很容易相处。
Straightforward people say what they think, but not in a rude way, and they dont keep secrets or gossip about other people. Lets look at three more.
Most of us like spending time with people who are "cheerful", people who smile a lot and are usually in a good mood. Cheerful people are often "positive" and "optimistic", they expect good things to happen.
我们大多数人都喜欢和 "cheerful" (兴高采烈,乐观)人待在一起,他们经常笑,而且一般心情都不错。"cheerful" 的人通常都很 "positive" (积极)和 "optimistic" (乐观),他们期待发生的是好事。
So now you have twelve positive adjectives you can use to describe someones personality. Can you use any of these adjectives to talk about the person youre describing?
When you use these adjectives, always try to add an example or a reason. For example, dont just say: "My brother is really funny."
"My friend Lia is a very cheerful person." Add some details or examples to make your answer more interesting, like this: "My brothers really funny.
我的朋友 Lia 是个非常欢快的人。加上一些细节或例子使你的回答更有趣,比如下面这样:我的哥哥非常搞笑。
He likes making weird jokes, generally at the most inappropriate moment." "My friend Lia is a very cheerful person.
他喜欢在最不合适的时候开奇怪的玩笑。我的朋友 Lia 是个非常欢快的人。
Even early in the morning, shes always smiling and in a good mood. I dont know how she does it!"
If possible, you could even add a story to really illustrate the persons character. "Craig, who I work with, is such an honest guy.
可能的话,你甚至还可以加上一个故事来详细说明这个人的性格。我的同事 Craig 是个非常诚实的人。
I remember one time he found a wallet with £500 in a pub. It would have been easy to keep the money, there was nothing in the wallet to say whose it was, but he said it wouldnt be right to keep it, and he insisted on going straight to the police, right that minute."
Adding stories like this can really bring a description to life. Youve also seen some good ways to use these adjectives.
"My brother is really __." "My friend Lia is a very __ ."
我的哥哥很......我的朋友 Lia 非常......
"Craig is such an __ guy." Of course, you can change these and use them in your answer.
Craig 是个特别......的人。当然了,你可以变一下,把它们用在你自己的回答里。
So what about you? Pause the video, and try to use some of these adjectives about the person youre describing.
Dont forget to add details and examples to your description, or you can even add a story if possible! Next, lets look at part three: describing negative characteristics.
No ones perfect, right? We all have our flaws, so lets look at how to describe the bad side of someones personality.
Many of the words you saw in part two have direct opposites which you can use. For example: "kind" → "unkind", "considerate" → "inconsiderate".
第二部分的很多单词都有可以用的反义词。举个例子,"kind" 的反义词是 "unkind","considerate" 的反义词是 "inconsiderate"。
"honest" → "dishonest", "reliable" → "unreliable". Of course, there are other words you can use, too.
"honest" 的反义词是 "dishonest","reliable" 的反义词是 "unreliable"。当然了,还有其他的单词可以用。
Some people can be "selfish" or "self-centered", they think about themselves too much, and dont think about the needs of others. These two words have a similar meaning.
有些人很 "selfish" (自私)或 "self-centered" (以自我为中心),他们凡事只顾自己,不考虑其他人的需要。这两个单词的意思相近。
Even more extreme, you can describe someone as "self-obsessed". A self-obsessed person only thinks about themselves, and doesnt seem to realise that other people exist at all!
更极端一点,你可以用 "self-obsessed" (自恋)来形容别人。
"self-obsessed" 的人只想到他们自己,似乎根本没有意识到别人的存在。
Not everyone can be funny, but you dont want to be seen as "humourless" or "dull". "Dull" is similar to "boring", while "humourless" means that someone has no sense of humour and is too serious.
不是每个人都搞笑,但是你也不想自己看上去 "humourless" (没有幽默感)或者 "dull" (无聊,无趣)。"dull" 和 "boring" 很像,而 "humourless" 表示某人没有幽默感,太过严肃。
If someone doesnt do what they say or doesnt keep their promises, youve already seen two words you can use "dishonest" or "unreliable".
Similarly, you could describe someone as "insincere", meaning that someone says things without meaning them.
如果某人言行不一,或者言而无信,你已经看到过两个可以用的单词了:"dishonest" (不诚实)或 "unreliable" (不靠谱)。
相似的,你可以用 "insincere" (不真诚)来描述某人,意思是某人言不由衷。
For example, if someone is always friendly on the surface, but they dont really feel anything inside, you could describe that person as insincere.
Their friendliness doesnt mean anything.
举个例子,如果某人表面上总是表现得很友好,但内心毫无波动,你就可以用 "insincere" 描述那个人。
Finally, cheerful people are always in a good mood, but whats the opposite? You could describe someone as "moody" or "grumpy".
你可以用 "moody" (喜怒无常)或 "grumpy" (脾气暴躁)描述别人。
"Moody" peoples moods change very easily, and they are often in a bad mood. "Grumpy" people never seem to be in a good mood and are always unhappy and negative.
"moody"的人心情很容易变化,他们经常心情不好。"grumpy" 的人似乎永远都心情不好,总是不开心,很负面。
So, now you have twelve negative adjectives to go with your twelve positive adjectives!
As before, when you use these adjectives to describe someone, try to add details or examples.
For example: "My brother can be a little unreliable sometimes. He often forgets to do things he promised he would."
"Lias great, but sometimes I feel shes a bit insincere. She says all these nice things, but Im not sure she really means them."
"Lia 人很棒,但是有时候我感觉她有点不真诚。她说的全都是好话,但我不确定她真的是这么想的。
"My colleague Craig is so moody. Hell be fine one minute, then suddenly he starts acting like he hates everyone.
我的同事 Craig 特别喜怒无常。他上一分钟还是好好的,但是突然一下他就开始表现得像他痛恨所有人一样。
It makes him quite difficult to be around." You can see how we often use slightly more indirect language to talk about someones negative characteristics.
"My brother can be a little __ sometimes." "Sometimes I feel that shes a bit __."
Of course, if you really want to be direct, you can be: "My colleague is so __."
Now, pause the video and try to use these words and phrases.
Make 2 to 3 sentences, and dont forget to add examples and details! Part four: talking about your relationship.
Finally, lets add some details about how you know this person and your relationship.
Look at three sentences: "Weve known each other __."
"We met __." "We get on __, because __."
Do you know what "get on" means here?
By itself, it means to have a good relationship with someone.
你知道 "get on" (相处)在这里是什么意思吗?
You can add adverbs after "get on" to give it different meanings. For example: "We get on very well."
你可以在 "get on" 后面加上副词,赋予它别的意思。举个例子:我们相处得很融洽。
"We get on well sometimes." Or you can make it negative: "We dont get on very well."
Okay, look at the sentences again. How could you complete them?
You could say: "Weve known each other for about ten years." "We met at university."
"We get on really well, because we have a similar sense of humour." Of course, there are many possibilities: "Weve known each other almost our whole lives."
"We met when we were babies, before we could even walk!" "We get on well most of the time, although we argue sometimes, too."
Depending on who youre talking about, it might not make sense to use all of these sentences.
For example, if youre talking about your brother or another relative, it doesnt make sense to talk about how long youve known each other or where you met.
However, you can still talk about how well you get on and why. You could also add how often you see each other, or what you like to do together.
"I dont see my brother often, although we talk a couple of times a month. When we meet up, we like watching films or playing cards."
Either way, try to make three sentences about the person youre describing, like this: "Ive known my friend Lia for about five years.
We met because we worked in the same place for a few months.
不论哪一种,你都要试着写出三个句子来谈论你要描述的人,比如这样:我跟我的朋友 Lia 认识差不多五年了。
We get on really well, because we have a lot in common: we like the same films, the same music, and so on." "Ive known Craig since July.
我们相处得非常好,因为我们有很多共同点:我们喜欢同样的电影,同样的音乐等等。我是七月份认识的 Craig。
We actually met at a mutual friends birthday party, and then we realised we work in the same place. We get on alright but we arent close.
Were just different people and we dont seem to have much to talk about." Now you try!
Pause the video and make three sentences about your relationship with the person youre talking about.
Use the words and phrases from this section.
All right, now we have one more thing to do. Part five: making a longer answer.
In this lesson, youve learned how to describe a person by talking about their appearance; talking about the positive and negative sides of their personality; talking about your relationship and how you know each other.
Now, lets put everything weve done together into a longer answer.
Heres one: "My brother is quite tall and well-built. He has short, brown hair, but hes going bald fast.
He looks a bit like a younger version of Vin Diesel. Hes really funny.
He likes making weird jokes, generally at the most inappropriate moment.
However, he can be a little unreliable sometimes.
He often forgets to do things he promised he would. I dont see him often, though we talk a couple of times a month.
When we meet up, we like watching films or playing cards." This answer uses examples youve already seen.
Lets do one more longer answer with original examples. "Im going to tell you about a friend of mine, Sarah.
Shes quite short and very slim, with light brown hair.
Shes very pretty and she has a really nice smile.
Sarahs cheerful and fun to be around, and shes also very straightforward: you know who she is right away, its easy to feel comfortable around her.
Ive known her for about twelve years now, since university.
Sarah 很欢快,待在她身边很有趣,她还很直爽,你马上就能知道她是个怎样的人,在她身边很容易就会觉得舒服。
We get on well because we have a similar attitude to life and we always have lots to talk about." Okay, now its your turn!
Make a longer answer to describe someone you know.
Use the examples and language from this lesson to help you.
If you want, you can post your answer in the video comments and well give you feedback.
Thats the end of the lesson, I hope it was useful for you!
Dont forget to check out more of our free English lessons on our website: oxfordonlineenglish. com.
See you next time!
不要忘了上我们的网站 oxfordonlineenglish. com 查阅更多的免费课程。