1. 在经历了可怕的寂静之后,突然间飓风卷起的巨浪再次袭击了“南山号”;
2. “南山号”像一片树叶在巨浪中飘荡,所有的人以及“南山号”都处在极度的.危险中;
3. 所有的船员都没有放弃,而是在船长的统一指挥下和飓风展开搏斗;
4. 由于成百上千吨的水倾泻到甲板上, 有几次船差点沉没,但很幸运飓风把船吹到了岸上,尽管船只损毁严重。
1. 短文开头已为你写好,不计入总词数;
2. 可根据内容要点适当发挥,但不要逐条翻译, 注意行文连贯;
3. 词数: 120左右。
The unexpected silence made our captain feel uncomfortable. He knew it was not over. After a short while, huge waves struck our ship again. The Nanshan was just like a small leaf floating helplessly on the huge waves. All the crew on board and the Nanshan itself were caught in a very dangerous situation. However, no one was going to give up. Instead, all the crew began to fight bravely against the hurricane under the command of our captain. Several times, the ship nearly sank due to the tons of water that crashed onto the deck. Fortunately, the hurricane blew the ship onto the beach. Although the ship was seriously damaged, we lived through the terrible hurricane.