跳绳(动作):美式英语:Jump rope;英式英语:Skip rope
跳绳(物品):美式英语:Jump rope;英式英语:Skipping rope
单摇:Single under / Single jump
双摇:Double under / Double jump
双编:Criss-cross double jump
跳长绳:Long rope jump
三、Jump, leap, hop, skip比较
1. 宝宝,咱们去跳绳吧,换上你的运动鞋。
Sweet heart, let’s go jump rope. Put on your sneakers.
2. 妈妈教你,把绳子打开,拉直。
Let mummy teach you. Unwind the rope and stretch it out.
3. 我给你示范一下,分解动作。
Let me demonstrate how to jump and break it down for you.
4. 两手握着把手,绳子放在身后,把绳子甩到前面,跳过去。
With a handle in each hand, step over the rope so that it is behind you. Then swing the rope over your head and hop over it when it is in front of you.
5. 你真棒。我的孩子能跳一个了。
You were fantastic. My child made one perfect skip / jump / hop.
6. 哇,太棒了,连着跳了两个了。
Awesome. You can do two jumps consecutively / in a row now.
7. 真厉害,再多练习一下,就可以跳更多了。
Well done. Practice more and you will be able to jump more.
8. 你看那个姐姐,连着跳那么多下都不坏。
Look at the big girl over there. She can do so many jumps without fumbling / in one stretch.
9. 那个姐姐比你跳的时间长。如果你天天练,也会跳的和她一样好。
The big girl over there started jump rope much earlier than you did. If you practice everyday, I am sure you will jump as well as her.
10. 哥哥可是跳绳高手,还会花样呢。让他给你表演一下双摇、编花和双编。
Your brother is a good rope jumper and he can do many tricks. Lets ask him to pull a double under, a criss-cross and a criss-cross double under.
11. 咱们跳长绳吧。爸爸妈妈摇绳,你跳。跑到绳里,跳一下,赶快跑出去。
Let’s try the long rope. Daddy and mummy will turn the rope. All you have to do is to run into the turning rope, jump once and run away quickly.
12. 咱们找一个宽敞点儿的地方,别抽到旁边的小朋友。
Let’s find an open area to avoid whipping other children around us.
13. 咱们再买一个适合幼儿的跳绳。你想要哪种?塑料的还是麻绳的?
Lets buy a jump rope for toddlers. Which type of jump rope do you want? The PVC jump rope or the cloth jump rope?
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn around
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the ground
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, show your shoe
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, that will do
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, go upstairs
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, say your prayers
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, switch off the light
Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, say good night