聚热点 juredian

【歌词】Color Of The Wind - Vanessa Williams / 歌手:杂锦合辑

Think you own whatever land you land on

Earth is just a dead thing you can claim

But I know every rock and tree and creature

Has a life,has a spirit,has a name

Think the only people who are people

Are the people who look and think like you

But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger

You learn things you never knew

You never knew

Have you ever heard the wolf cry

To the blue corn moon

Or ask the grinning bobcat why he grinned

Can you sing with all the voices

Of the mountains

Can you paint with all the colors of the wind

Come run the hidden pinet rails of the forest

Come taste the sun-sweet berries of the earth

Come roll in all the riches all around you

And for once never wonder what they"re worth

The rainstorm and the rivers are my brothers

And the heron and the other are my friends

And we are all connected to ea



克莱·舍基(Clay Shirky)认为:认知盈余的定义很简单,就是受过教育,并拥有自由支配时间的人,他们有丰富的知识背景,同时有强烈的分享欲望,这些人的时间汇...(展开)


 【歌词】荷花颂 / 歌手:梦之旅

荷花颂---梦之旅合唱组合---万里无云好晴天啊 看那荷花在水面千万朵花儿数着它好人人见了心喜欢千万朵花儿数着它好人人见了心喜欢荷花朵朵放光彩微风轻轻迎面吹来荷...(展开)


