聚热点 juredian

【歌词】Burn At The Stake / 歌手:Paragon

Brighter than a Thousand Suns - Warcry

LRC by lzh, from jiangxi pingxiang

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Blind these heathen eyes

You can take our sight

But not our mind

You"ll set this world ablaze

And we will burn

Till your tears put out the flames

This means war

Rivers of our blood

Will make the city flood

They know we will sink

Cause they tell us what to think

This is the war

We need to fight for

Our minds are worth more

Than what they sell them for

Our skin will break and peel

Our blood will spill

But our wounds will heal

We will reclaim what you took

We"ll rebuild these city walls

And douse these burning books

How much can we take

As our freedom burns at the stake

This freewill is fake

Are we dying for their lies or their mistakes?


 【歌词】梦II / 歌手:陈建骐

专辑:七月初七张萌萌 - 七月初七(II)词:麻木 曲:张萌萌 编曲:江建民--------伸出手时间没有尽头摸不着风经过的伤口世界太大 我们太小幸福是孤单的桥...(展开)


