聚热点 juredian

【歌词】阳光下温暖的吉他shine / 歌手:Rosi Golan

This life is light,

Its light burns bright

So we ll take it day by day, and let it be

And everyone will see, how good it feels

Oh they ll see the world for all that it could be

Oh, let the sunshine in

I wanna feel it from within

You spin me around and make me feel like I could shine


So what do you say, if the sky turned grey?

With a kiss you send the rain clouds on their way

Oh, let the sunlight in

I wanna feel it from within

You spin me around and make me feel like I could shine


This life is light,

Its light burns bright

Every moment is a moment you could say,

Oh, let the sunlight in

I wanna feel it from within

Spin me around and make me feel like I could shine






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记者 秦国玲为进一步深化普通高中学校育人方式改革,引导普通高中特色办学、多样发展,提升普通高中办学质 量,近日,经各县市区推荐、专家评审、网上公示,潍坊市教育局...(展开)