Phantom of the Opera - PROLOGUE
(The opera house is being auctioned off. RAOUL is seventy now)
AUCTIONEER: Sold. Your number, sir? Thank you.
Lot 665, ladies and gentlemen:
a papier-maché musical box, in the shape of a barrel-organ.
Attached, the figure of a monkey in Persian robes
playing the cymbals. This item,
discovered in the vaults of the theatre, still in working order.
PORTER: Showing here. (He sets it in motion)
AUCTIONEER: May I start at 20 francs? 15, then? 15 I am bid.
(The bidding continues. RAOUL buys the box for 30 francs)
Sold, for 30 francs to the Vicomte de Chagny. Thank you, sir.
(The box is handed across to RAOUL. He studies it)
RAOUL (quietly, half to himself, half to the box)
A collector"s piece indeed . .
every detail exactly as she said . . .
She often spoke of you, my friend ....
Your velvet lining, and your