Cinnamon Street
Words & Music by Per Gessle Recorded at EMI Studios, Stockholm, Sweden in April 1992 & Medley Studios, Copenhagen, Denmark in July 1992
Published by Jimmy Fun Music
Growing up on Cinnamon Street.
Everywhere you look there are lots of people to meet,
it"s seven o"clock,
the breakfast treat.
Now the schoolbus is here,
hurry up and grab a seat.
All the dreams are tiny ones,
another week has just begun on Cinnamon Street.
There was a girl on Cinnamon Street,
the same age as me,
we shared the curiosity.
I won her heart cos I could play guitar.
I promised her heaven at once and later all the stars.
But it all remained the same cos things can never change on Cinnamon Street.
I can hear my heartbeat the very first time we made love,
life was a lazy rest in the sun.
Later we went dancing,
staying up all night long