聚热点 juredian

【歌词】Giselle / 歌手:Lonely Drifter Karen

SS501 - Unlock

≮ 黏砺

惩 酒流 绢府瘤 技惑阑 葛福瘤

匙啊 够 舅摆衬绊

(Just feel a light Just get all right)

疵 鞍篮 积阿挥 促甫 霸 绝菌瘤

绢弗甸捞鄂 弊贰

(Can’t you see my mind You’re all my soul)

郴 葛电 吧 促 倾遏秦 (弊贰具 父练胶反霸)

富窍瘤 馒茄 酒牢 葛滴 弊贰 Take it My boy

捞哩 弊父 泪变 巩阑

凯绢具摆绢 泪电 磊啦 茫摆绢

(oh oh) My story is just begin

(Now we start to fight the game for you)

We’ll unlock the door forever

郴啊 盔茄 辨 困浚 呈 angel

朝 扁促副 芭聪 angel

We’ll open the door of future

郴啊 琶茄 活俊档 呈 Giselle

朝 荤尔且 芭聪 Giselle

穿啊 构贰档 my love 郴 咯磊鄂 吧 瓜绢

初瘤 臼摆绢 my girl

郴 菊阑 阜篮 D. wall 绢恫 备加档 钱绢

顿绢 逞摆绢 D. world

穿焙啊 沥秦霖 辨篮 (弊贰具 父练胶反霸)

窍瘤父 技惑俊 辨甸咯龙 锭 lost it my soul

捞哩 弊父 泪变 巩阑

凯绢具摆绢 泪电 磊啦 茫摆绢

(oh oh) My story is just begin

We’ll unlock the door forever

郴啊 盔茄 辨 困浚 呈 angel

朝 扁促副 芭聪 angel

We’ll open the door of future

郴啊 琶茄 活俊档 呈 G


 【歌词】今世缘 / 歌手:刘美丽
