聚热点 juredian

【歌词】Heat Of The Night / 歌手:相川七濑

Heat of the Night

In the heat of the night,

we are having a fiesta,

we dance until siesta,

when the sun comes alive.

In the heat of the night,

we are having a fiesta,

let"s dance until siesta,

when the sun comes alive.

oooh oooh ooh ooooh

I"ve been waiting for summertime to come

welcome beaches, lying in the sun

music playing, people everywhere

no need to worry, the tequila is here

And when the sun goes down we are having fun,

"cause there will be a party going on...

In the heat of the night,

we are having a fiesta,

we dance until siesta,

when the sun comes alive.

In the heat of the night,

we are having a fiesta,

let"s dance until siesta,

when the sun comes alive.

oooh oooh ooh ooooh

Heat of the night.

Heat of the night.

Life is easy, on a holiday

only problems seem so far away,




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