When clear and refreshing autumn arrives and chrysanthemums envelope the world, its time for the Chinese Chongyang Festival, or Double Ninth Festival, which is celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth month in the Chinese lunar calendar, and falls on October 4th this year.
The festival is based on the theory of yin and yang that forms the basis for the ancient Chinese worldview. Yin represents the elements of darkness and yang represents brightness. Even numbers belong to yin and odd numbers are yang. The ninth day of the ninth lunar month is a day when the two yang numbers meet, so it is called Double Ninth, chongyang in Chinese.
In Chinese folklore, the number nine is the largest number - its a homonym to the Chinese word jiu, which contains the auspicious meaning of "a long and healthy life". It has long been a day for Chinese to show care, love and respect to the elderly.
重阳节之所以要登高,是因为古人认为在这天登高可以躲避灾祸,同时还有登高祈福(to climb mountains to pray for good luck)的说法。重阳登高习俗源于此时的气候特点以及古人对山岳的崇拜。登高辞青也是源于大自然中的节气,重阳节登山辞青与古人在阳春三月春游踏青相对应。如今,重阳节已经成为和家人朋友一同出游,共赏秋景的好时节。
Ancient people believed in climbing the mountains to avoid disaster with the whole family climbing as high as possible to be healthy and stay safe from the plague.
Today, its a great opportunity to join friends and relatives and enjoy the fall scenes.
In ancient times, people also would admire the beauty of chrysanthemums and drink wine on the day. The ninth lunar month is the time when chrysanthemums are in full bloom, and chrysanthemums symbolize longevity. So every year at the festival, people pick fresh chrysanthemums to make chrysanthemum wine. The ancients regarded it as auspicious wine for clearing away heat, detoxifying and prolonging life.
Cornel, famous in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), is widely planted in the north and south of China. Ancient people believed that wearing cornel twigs on the Double Ninth Festival could help prevent diseases and avoid disasters.
(唐代 王维)
Thinking of My Brothers on Mountain-Climbing Day
Alone, a lonely stranger in a foreign land,
I doubly pine for kinsfolk on a holiday.
I know my brothers would, with dogwood spray in hand,
Climb the mountain and think of me so far away.
(Translated by Xu Yuanchong)
综合来源:中国非物质文化遗产网 中国青年杂志 腾讯网 人民旅游 CGTN China Daily
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